I went to a lasagna restaurant claiming they make it better than an Italian mum!
The first time I lived in Milan, I remember a friend explaining the Sunday lunch concept: his mum was cooking pasta every Sunday lunch with no exception. She was alternating between 3 different types of pasta: lasagna, pasta al forno and I can’t remember the third one. He was saying that his mum was doing the best lasagna. One day, laughing, I told him: “funny cause 2 other friends told me their mum was doing the best lasagnas, does it mean that you have the same mum ?”
Pasta is an institution in Italy and the power of the mum in the kitchen is so strong that the food made by "la mamma" is considered as the best. Actually it has been proved scientifically that eating with beloved ones enhance the perception of the food.
So when I heard that some new restaurant dedicated to lasagna had opened and they were claiming a “so competitive” quality that the name was : “sorry mamma”, it made me smile.
I could finally go there last Sunday and satisfy my curiosity.
The place is tiny, a concept of fast casual based on tradition and innovation.
Tradition because it’s fresh pasta, innovation because the recipes have nothing to do with mainstream lasagnas. It’s funny because the other day I was telling a friend: if you want to open a restaurant of traditional food in Italy, you should either have an amazing cook or twist a bit the recipes, because otherwise they will be always someone saying: my mum/grandma/wife/aunt does it better.
So basically, I could choose between 3 recipes, I decided to opt for the least traditional one : pistachio pesto, scamorza e pancetta.
What can I say about my food experience?
Well, even considering that you're in a fast casual (meaning you ‘re not supposed to have premium service), as they are claiming to be "artigianale", I would have expected that fresh pasta don't get heat in a microwave. The microwave makes everything dry, elastic and oily.
The presentation of the lasagna does not look yummy in those oven plastic pans. I was imagining a big metallic pan where the guy would cut a portion and put it in a wood plate. This would have looked more appealing to me. In the plastic finishing plate I could see all the oil going away. The greasy effect was making me feeling guilty while eating. A material that drinks the grease would have enhanced my food experience. I know it's stupid but true :-)
Was it good ? Yes, the taste was good.
If I want to be critics: the pasta was a bit too al dente for me, and the cheese chewy.
I remember my Italian grandma, doing those lasagna where the pasta was almost melting in your mouth with the bechamelle after a few seconds.
To sum up, go there for a bite, when you’re in the area for lunch and desire something fast that is different from a Panini. Plus, the staff was really nice and welcoming.
I wonder if it would be better to bring them back home, heat them in the oven yourself and serve them on a porcelain plate...
The price ? between 6,50€ and 7€ the portion.
Sorry Mamma, in Corso Porta Romana 79